
Roadmap of Learning@Neev - 03rd July 2020

Hope you all are doing fine. As mentioned in our last communication, please find attached a Roadmap for your child’s learning journey at Neev in the academic year 2020-21. This roadmap is a detailed plan for both students of Early Years and Academy, learning in three different models depending on the situation/risk going forward. We stay firm on the commencement of the academic year 2020-21 on Monday, 13th July in an online/blended learning mode(Model 2) . We do believe that the best mode of learning is face to face and we are prepared for the same whenever the situation is safe for the children and in accordance with the government guidelines.

We would like to give you the weekend to read this document and if required we can have some information sessions next week to clarify your questions.

Our commitment as always is learning continuity for all children entrusted to our care.

Neev Roadmap for learning

Stay Safe,
Neev Academy Team