We trust you and your family are well and in the midst of discovering new avenues of learning that may also be virtual.
The IB has been tirelessly working to ensure continued learning for our students as well as minimal disruption to the processes attendant on a high school exit programme.
As an organisation, Neev has studied the IB's communications, consulted experts and our own team, and prepared a set of FAQs that have details specific to our context. We will continue to update these as the situation evolves.
We would like to acknowledge the feelings of our students at this time, especially an emptiness left by the cancellation of a culminating event in their lives--the IB examination. It is often seen as the climax of the programme, and the subsequent vacation as a well-deserved interlude before a challenging and exciting university programme.
We are sensitive to this and are working to bring them close to the same sense of achievement with a proposed programme of study, because the cancellation of the examination can also be seen as potentially the greatest opportunity for self-directed learning. We have addressed this briefly in one of our FAQs and will give you more details soon.
We trust that you will speak to your children and work with us in sustaining the momentum in learning.
We also offer you the opportunity to talk to our DP head, Mr. Umar Jaffar or our DP Coordinator Mr. Colin Kelman in case you have questions over and above the ones in this FAQ document. You can set up telephone calls with them between 2 pm and 4.30 pm this week.
We will continue to support our students through the stages of this slightly altered diploma programme and continue to build our relationship with them as alumni, as they soon will be.
We wish you good health and the joy of reading.
Best Regards,
Neev Academy Team